Prices and levels of Patterns

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Aud $388-1082

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  • DXF Graded Pattern
  • AI Graded Pattern
  • Tech Pack
  • Graded Specification
  • Key Measurements
  • Body Measurements
  • Trim Measurements
  • Sketch
  • 6 or 12 size graded pattern
  • Sewing process
  • Fabric Suggestions
  • Delivered in 48hrs
  • Ready to go into Production
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In house

Aud $155-495

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  • DXF Graded Pattern
  • AI Graded Pattern
  • Basic Design Sheet
  • Trim Measurements
  • Key Measurements
  • Body Measurements
  • Sketch
  • 6 or 12 size graded pattern
  • Choose from over 1 Mill designs
  • Delivered in 48hrs
  • Ready to go into Production
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Single Size

Aud $99-159

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  • DXF Single Size Pattern
  • AI Single Size Pattern
  • Basic Design Sheet
  • Sketch
  • Choose from over 1 Mill designs
  • Delivered in 48hrs
  • Test the fit in your fabric
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